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haydyn's showase.


This page is dedicated to the exhibition of skills that I obtained at my undergraduate university, Washington State. Due to the opportunities I was presented with at this esteemed university, I have had the privilege of copy editing a literary journal for the Department of English, known infamously as the Blood Orange Review. In addition to being a copy editor, I created content for their social media.


I have worked with the Visiting Writers Series as an intern, creating press releases, agent and editor introductions, and written query letters.


Lastly, I was employed through the university newspaper, The Daily Evergreen, to write several articles about the town of Pullman and the university itself.


My hope is that this portfolio showcases what I can do and what I have the potential to do as a writer, creative thinker, and new voice in the world. Feel free to browse around at your leisure!



Blog - The English Experience

​For my English 357 course at Washington State, my final project required me to create a blog regarding content that I learned in the class. I used creative writing and experiences through the Washington State University Department of English to create a blog that uniquely reflects my story, perspective, and opinions as a senior during COVID. 


To view the blog posts, please click to the left. There are only four, but I find them rather helpful, even if you aren't an English major:


1. The Visiting Writers Series Agent Panel

2. My One-Credit Workshop

3. PNW Presses & Journals

4. Engaging English Majors


I hope you enjoy these posts.


DTC 354 - A Documentary

​For my English 354 course at Washington State, my final project required me to create something using the elements of storytelling and digital technology. I used my skills of videography, Adobe, and creativity to create a mini documentary. 


Click to the right to watch the documentary, also found on YouTube.


I hope you enjoy.


The Visiting Writers Series

During my internship for the Visiting Writers Series at Washington State University, I had the opportunity to write press releases, agent and editor introductions, and query letters in preparation for a career in the editing and publishing field. Below are links to the work I created.




Blood Orange Review Literary Journal

As the Blood Orange Review copy editor and social media intern, I created content for the literary journal's social media, specifically Instagram. In addition, I edited author bios, fiction and nonfiction pieces for the journal, and kept a spreadsheet of all tasks accomplished to stay organized.


Below are not only the links to the journal and their Instagram, but the collection of pieces I created, personally, during my time as their intern.​




"Tin Can: Labels Ain't Shit" Literary Journal

For one of my final projects at Washington State University, I was asked to create a literary journal with a small group of fellow students: Sydney Perrigoue-LaCroix was the web editor; Kirsi Lundhagen was the marketing editor; Georgie Rosales was the copy editor; Annelise Wagner was the swing editor, and I was the managing editor.


Responsible for scheduling, deadlines, submissions, copy editing written work, and overseeing the project as a whole, I am proud to show off the website/literary journal that we created together.




"The Daily Evergreen" Online Newspaper

During my last semester at Washington State University, I had the pleasure of working for the university newspaper, The Daily Evergreen, to write some amazing stories about the community.


You can find a link to my profile on their website below.




© 2020 by Haydyn Wallender. Proudly created with

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